Andrew Templeman Ltd
Diagnosis | Design | Delivery
The Team
We're a team of associates who have worked in central and local government. This includes the Cabinet Office, the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit & No 10, think tanks the Institute for Government, councils including LBBD, LB Haringey and LB Camden and the Audit Commission.
Andrew Templeman
A consultant and facilitator who works with boards in central and local government, on major change programmes and the co-design and delivery of new functions and services. His experience includes Cabinet Office, No 10, the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit & the Audit Commission.
Nicola Hughes
A facilitator and researcher. Nicola is specialist in building dialogue, creative problem framing and solving. She's worked with ministers, policy makers and practitioners. Her experience includes the Institute for Government, Shelter, central government and the voluntary sector.
Ian Hickman
A highly experienced public service leader with extensive knowledge of local government. Ian works at a national level and focuses on VFM, governance and internal controls, financial and programme management. His experience includes the Audit Commission and Northern Education Trust.
We work with public sector organisations to help build capability, improve strategy, policy and performance.
Group Facilitation
We design and facilitate group events. These range from smaller board, executive and team away days through to the bigger numbers associated with whole functions and services, real service user involvement and wider cross system working.
Our approach is outcome-focused, structured, challenging and fast-moving. As facilitators we have the experience and objectivity that helps groups to review issues, build alignment and agree the decisions and actions that drive better results.
Policy Schools
Better policy flows from being clear about the problem you are trying to solve. We use different tools & techniques to get to the heart of what's really happening.
We bring different insights, perspectives and evidence that help to drive better interventions and solutions.
We've used this approach with HMRC and HM Treasury, for example, to explore the different options prior to the introduction of the 'Sugar Tax' and working with Cabinet Office and the City of Westminster to really understand what drives street homelessness.
Organisational Stocktakes
We have adapted and evolved the tools that we helped create in other organisations such as the Audit Commission, central government's Departmental Capability Review Programme and the Delivery Unit, to bring together a set of methods that help stocktake where an organisation stands in terms of its strategy, performance and people and how to function more effectively across complex systems.
We work with you to identify and prioritise where you need to improve and, critically, how you can deliver improvement in a planned, programmatic way.
Our clients include Homes England & the Government of Jersey.
Solution Sprints
We work with you to research, design and deliver short, sharp facilitated engagements that help you to understand and tackle your organisational challenges: from developing better strategy to succesful cross systems working and more effective policy and efficient delivery.
We cover the ground fast and effectively, getting from 'explore' to 'solutions' in five days.
Examples include using our sprint tool kit for Jersey's Sustainable Transport policy and working with Cabinet Office to understand and better address knife crime at a local level.
Leadership Development & Programmes
We developed and ran the London Leadership Programme for London Councils from 2017 to 2021. This programme graduated 150 London Leaders better placed to serve Londoners.
The programme's impact was extensive. It has helped create a deeper, more diverse pool of London talent at Deputy and Assistant Director, Divisional Director level across London's government.
We brought together inspirational expertise, the best managerial thinking and used action learning to help London’s future professional leaders find new ways to frame questions and seek solutions.
Watch the video to see what people say about content, coverage and impact.
We work primarily with public sector organisations: central government departments and agencies, local authorities, funders and the voluntary sector.
Central Government
Cabinet Office | HMRC- HM Treasury | Homes England | Home Office/Border Force | Crown Commercial Service | Ministry of Justice | Department of Health & Social Care | DFE | MHCLG | Department for International Trade | Department of Transport | DCMS | Government of Jersey
Local Authorities
London Councils | West Midlands Combined Authority | LB Lambeth | Suffolk CC | Norfolk CC | LB Haringey | LB Barking and Dagenham | The City of Westminster
Other Sectors
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) | Institute for Government | Health Foundation | Big Lottery Fund | The Centre for Effective Services working with the Irish Government | Serco | Power to Change | Government of Kyrgyzstan
Contact us for more details or client feedback and testimonials.
Contact Us
Phone: 07901 517342
© 2019